Customer Success

Anita Anderson, Deputy Director – Corporate Budget at Central Queensland University.
“Pilbara’s demonstrated higher education sector knowledge has provided CQU with a model derived from granular-level data, whilst also being timely, transparent, accurate and flexible for any future CQU or sector changes. The Pilbara team are always professional and flexible, and in constant contact as to more innovative costing approaches and sector updates”.
“What we value most about Pilbara is their deep understanding of the higher education sector and, most importantly, how the sector is likely to change looking forward… [they have] a talent to explain how operational data is best used in informing strategy.”
Manager, Resource Planning and Operations – Edith Cowan University
As an insider, the complexity of a University cannot be underestimated. ACE Insights is adaptive to our particular circumstances…Pragmatic solutions are developed and implemented to reflect the dynamic nature of the University in response to the ever-evolving marketplace. A true business partner.”
Deputy Director, Financial Services – RMIT University
“quite responsive to [UCR’s] priorities, needs and requests, forming a positive, collaborative relationship based on mutual respect. Pilbara’s subject matter experts also provided useful, in-person trainings to UCR staff, clearly outlining the methodology, intent and mechanics of the model.
Vice Chancellor of Planning and Budget – University of California, Riverside
“…continually enhancing and improving their products. They engage with us to understand what our organization needs the models to produce to serve the needs of our internal business partners. [Pilbara] anticipates our needs and bring us options of better practices from beyond our sector.”
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Services and Resource Division – James Cook University
“…not a cookie-cutter approach. The Pilbara principals assigned to our project were extraordinarily adept at listening to and learning about the unique circumstances found at a large, comprehensive community college, and adapting the model to us.”
Executive Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services – Johnson County Community College